Carian Istilah

Senarai Istilah

Istilah Sumber (Bahasa Inggeris) Istilah Sasar (Bahasa Melayu) Bidang
directed loop gelung terarah PERNIAGAAN
directed path laluan terarah PERNIAGAAN
directing pengarahan PERNIAGAAN
direction arahan PERNIAGAAN
directional derivative terbitan berarah EKONOMI
directional derivative terbitan berarah PERNIAGAAN
directive counselling kaunseling berarah PERNIAGAAN
directive leadership kepimpinan arahan PERNIAGAAN
directive principle prinsip arahan PERNIAGAAN
directly productive activity aktiviti berdaya keluaran langsung EKONOMI
director pengarah PERAKAUNAN
director of procurement pengarah pembelian PERNIAGAAN
director's report laporan pengarah PERAKAUNAN
directors and officers liability insurance insurans liabiliti pengarah dan pegawai INSURANS
directors and officers liability takaful takaful liabiliti pengarah dan pegawai TAKAFUL