Carian Istilah

Senarai Istilah

Istilah Sumber (Bahasa Inggeris) Istilah Sasar (Bahasa Melayu) Bidang
cost externality eksternaliti kos EKONOMI
cost finding penentuan kos EKONOMI
cost finding penentuan kos PERNIAGAAN
cost flow aliran kos ASAS EKONOMI
cost flow aliran kos PERNIAGAAN
cost forecast ramalan kos EKONOMI
cost function fungsi kos ASAS EKONOMI
cost function fungsi kos EKONOMI
cost funding pendanaan kos PERNIAGAAN
cost hierarchy hierarki kos PERAKAUNAN
cost improvement pembaikan kos EKONOMI
cost incurrence penglibatan kos PERAKAUNAN
cost index indeks kos EKONOMI
cost insurance and freight (CIF) kos insurans dan tambang (CIF) ASAS EKONOMI
cost insurance and freight (CIF) kos insurans dan tambang (CIF) PERBANKAN