Carian Istilah

Senarai Istilah

Istilah Sumber (Bahasa Inggeris) Istilah Sasar (Bahasa Melayu) Bidang
certificate of deposit sijil deposit PERDAGANGAN
certificate of deposit sijil deposit PELABURAN
certificate of deposit tranche sijil tranche deposit PERBANKAN
certificate of deposit tranche sijil tranche deposit EKONOMI
certificate of deposit tranche sijil tranche deposit PERNIAGAAN
certificate of deposit tranche sijil tranche deposit PERDAGANGAN
certificate of deposit tranche sijil tranche deposit PELABURAN
certificate of efficiency perakuan kecekapan EKONOMI
certificate of incorporation sijil penubuhan ASAS EKONOMI
certificate of incorporation sijil penubuhan PERAKAUNAN
certificate of incorporation sijil penubuhan EKONOMI
certificate of incorporation sijil penubuhan PERNIAGAAN
certificate of incorporation sijil penubuhan PERDAGANGAN
certificate of indebtedness sijil keterhutangan PERAKAUNAN
certificate of indebtedness sijil keterhutangan PERNIAGAAN