Carian Istilah

Senarai Istilah

Istilah Sumber (Bahasa Inggeris) Istilah Sasar (Bahasa Melayu) Bidang
amortization of discount pelunasan diskaun PERNIAGAAN
amortization of premium pelunasan premium PERAKAUNAN
amortization of premium pelunasan premium PERNIAGAAN
amortization payment bayaran pelunasan PERBANKAN
amortization payment bayaran pelunasan EKONOMI
amortization payment bayaran pelunasan berkala INSURANS
amortization payment bayaran pelunasan berkala TAKAFUL
amortization schedule jadual pelunasan INSURANS
amortization schedule jadual pelunasan PERNIAGAAN
amortization schedule jadual pelunasan TAKAFUL
amortized terlunas PERBANKAN
amortized terlunas PERNIAGAAN
amortized cost kos terlunas EKONOMI
amortized cost kos terlunas INSURANS
amortized cost kos terlunas PERNIAGAAN